Thursday, April 30, 2015

How to view basic information about your computer

How to view basic information about your computer

In Microsoft Windows you can view your computer's basic information easily. Here I'm going to list out how to do it.

Basically there are many ways to display computer's basic information.

Method 1

(for windows XP,vista and 7)
Click on the “start” button .In windows XP you can find it at the left side of the task bar. In Windows Vista and 7 there is a windows logo at left side of your task bar.

Then a menu will appear in left side of your monitor (with default task bar settings).
Then you can see a button named “computer”(actually this is not a button).
Then keep your mouse pointer on it and perform a right click.
Then again you can see a drop down menu. Here at the bottom you can see “Properties” click on it and now you can see your computer's basic information.

Method 2

In your desktop there is an icon named “Computer”(in Win 8,7 and Vista) or “My Computer”(In Win XP) .Then simply right click on it. Now there is a drop down list. Form that click on properties(at the bottom of the list).Now you can view your computer's basic information.

Method 3

(for windows XP,vista and 7)
Click on “Start” in task bar and click on control panel. Now you have control panel on your screen. If your view is “Control Panel Home” Then click on “System and Maintenance”.Then click on “System” and now you can view your computer's basic information.

If your view is “Classic view” Then double click on “System” and now you can view your computer's basic information.

Method 4

(for windows vista )
Click on “Start” then “All Programs” then “Accessories” then open “Welcome Center” . Here you can see some links to open various tasks.
Double click on “View computer details”. Now you can view your computer's basic information.
Method 5

(for windows vista and 7)
Open “Computer”. Then in computer window below the address bar there is a link name “System Properties”. Click on it.
There you can see your computer's basic information.

Method 6

Open “Computer” . Then right click on computer window (not on disk drives). Then in pop up menu You can see “Properties”. Click on it and your computer's basic information is on your screen.

Method 7

(for windows 8 and 8.1)
If you are in Start screen go to desktop by click on “desktop” tile or pressing “Windows key +D”. Then move your mouse to the right border of your screen. Then you can see a pop up menu. Then click on “Settings”. Then click on “PC info” and your computer's basic information is on your screen.
Method 8

(for windows 8 and 8.1)
If you are in Start screen go to desktop by click on “desktop” tile or pressing “Windows key +D”. Then press “Windows key+ i” combination. Then you can see a pop up menu. Then click on “PC info” and your computer's basic information is on your screen.

Method 9

(for windows 8 and 8.1)

Use key combination “windows key +x”. Then at bottom left of your screen pop up menu will appear. Click on “System” and your computer's basic information is on your screen.

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How to use sounds in a C# application

How to use sounds in a C# application

Various programs use various sounds to give an alert about various tasks. Here in C# we can use various sounds with form's load event,for a button click, for a check box etc... Basically there are two methods to use sound in C#.
First one is :-By using beep tones and second is by using audio files(.wav,.mp3 etc...).
So this post is about beep tones.
In Windows operating system there are various sounds to inform user about some tasks like “low battery”, “updates available” etc.. In some cases windows use beep tones also. So let's get know about how to use beep tones in a C# application.

First create new project and name it as “beeptest”.

Now double click on your form1 and here you have code window and you are at form's load event.

Then type this code →

and press “F5” or go to debug and click on “Start Debugging”.

Now you can here a beep tone when form loads.
Now try to use beeps with a button.
Now get a button to form and change it's text as “Click to beep” .

Then double click on the button and type this code in button's click event.

Now if you run this and click on the button you can here a beep tone.

Now let's study about the code “Console.Beep();”.
This is the general form of beep tones. But you can change the frequency of beeps. Now look at the code below.

                       Console.Beep(Frequency,Time period);

Here frequency varies from 37Hz to 32767Hz. If you want to use base sounds you can use low frequencies like 37,40 ,50 39 etc..

Time period means the amount of time that you can here the beep. Here in C# to here a beep sound for a 1 second you must use time period as “1000”.

Now get a new button and code this in it's click event.
After running and clicking on the button1 you can here a beep tone with 400Hz frequency for a period of one second.
Try some more examples by changing frequency and time period.

Now I think you have got it.
Here we are going to make a soft organ with the help of beep tones.
Now open a new project and name it as “softorgan”.
Now change your form's name as you like or keep it as it's default (form1).
Here we have to use 13 buttons.
Get a button to the form.
Now change it's text property as “&S”.
Now get a label to the form and keep it under the button and change it's text property to “C”.
Now get another button and change it's text property as “&E”.
Now get another label to the form and keep it under the button and change it's text property to “C#”.
Accordingly get another 11 buttons and change there text properties as , “&D”, “&R”,“&F”,“&G”,“&Y”,“&H”,“&U”,“&J”, “&I”, “&K” and “&L”. Then get 11 labels and change their text properties as “D”, “Eb”, “E”, “F”, “F#”, “G”, “Ab”, “A”, “Bb”, “B”and “C”.
Now look at the picture below and align your buttons and labels as keys in keyboard.

Now it's time to code.

Double click on key C (first button) and type this code →
Now code these codes accordingly second button and so on.
Second button(C#)        Console.Beep(277,200);
Third button(D)             Console.Beep(293,200);
Fourth button(Eb)         Console.Beep(311,200);
Fifth button(E)              Console.Beep(329,200);
Sixth button(F)              Console.Beep(349,200);
Seventh button(F#)       Console.Beep(370,200);
Eighth button(G)           Console.Beep(392,200);
Ninth button(Ab)          Console.Beep(415,200);
Tenth button(A)            Console.Beep(440,200);
Eleventh button(Bb)     Console.Beep(466,200);
Twelfth button(B)         Console.Beep(494,200);
Thirteenth button(C)     Console.Beep(523,200);

You can change the amount of time period by increasing or decreasing the value “200”.

Now it' time to play our soft organ.
Press F5 or go to debug menu and click on “start debugging”.
Now you can play using your mouse or using appropriate key in your keyboard.
(ex: to play C press “s” in your keyboard)
Thank you!

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How to print alphabet using char values in JAVA

First you have to code a java program by using variables and a flow control.

You may need:
  • a char variable to store current char value
  • flow control structure (for,while,or do while loop)
  • command to print current char value
First we create a class program and a main method using java

class ascii{
           public static void main(String args[]){


Now create a char variable to store a char value and initialize it to zero.

class ascii{
          public static void main(String args[]){
                      char c=0; //char variable named c

Now we want a flow control structure to automate printing process. Here I used for loop but you can use while or do while loop also.

class ascii{
           public static void main(String args[]){

                     char c=0; //char variable named c



Here I have initialize c as 65 (c=65) because “A” in ASCII is 65 and terminate value as 91 because here I stop printing process after printing “Z”.

Now we want a command to print this in command prompt screen.

class ascii{
           public static void main(String args[]){

                    char c=0; //char variable named c


                               System.out.print(c+“ ”);


So here print command print ascii value and space. This will run until variable reaches it's terminating value.

Here is the complete code.

Now save your java program with .java extension
After compiling(javac run your java program with java “class name”

Then the final output is shown below.


If you want simple letters you can start c=97 and terminating value as 123
eg: for(c=97;c<123;c++){}
